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Personal data

    Data for invoicing and shipping

      Seleziona un altro indirizzo di Spedizione se diverso da quello Principale

        Shipping address, if it is compiled, it will be used as the address where to ship purchases made on the site. If there is compiled will be used the primary address required

        Data for contacts (*)

        Enter at least one of two telephone numbers (phone or cell phone)

        Access data

        This data you will need to access your account, make purchases and access the services reserved.

        Consenso privacy

        Ho letto e accetto la normativa sulla privacy ยป Privacy Policy e Information and consent to the processing of personal data
        The interested party declares to have taken note of the information provided pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR 679/2016 on the processing of your data, including the processing of "particular categories of data" and also consents to the use and publication of videos and photographs, made for the purpose of documenting and representing the activities carried out (purpose of referred to in point 2f)
        The interested party declares to have taken note of the information provided pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR 679/2016 on the processing of your data, including the processing of "particular categories of data" and also agrees 2) to the processing of personal data for commercial and marketing purposes, by registering for the newsletter service and consequent sending of promotional emails (purposes referred to in point 2g)