Golf 2X1


Ogni voucher può essere utilizzato una sola volta in ogni circolo aderente entro la data di scadenza di Green Pass Card, nei giorni di validità indicati per ogni circolo e previa prenotazione presso la segreteria del golf. I voucher Golf 2x1 sono validi sul prezzo di listino per le 18 buche e non sono utilizzabili in gara, salvo diversa indicazione. I voucher sono personali e non cedibili; l'accompagnatore "non pagante" può essere o meno possessore di una Green Pass Card. I voucher non utilizzati non potranno essere convertiti in altri servizi e una volta scaduta la validità non saranno più riattivabili né rimborsabili.

weekdays from November to March
from Tuesday to Sunday, in the months of January, February, November and December
weekdays (except holidays) from November to March
From monday to friday from march to december
working days

Weekly days during April, May, June, July, August, October, November and December
from Monday to Friday except on public holidays
During weekly days in february, march, july, august and november
valid every day in the months of August and December
valid from Tuesday to Friday, in the months of January, February and August
one per month on weekdays
weekly days
from Monday to Friday (except public holidays), from February to December
non-holiday Mondays and Thursdays (excluding August)
from Mondays to Fridays, from May to November
Every day from april to october
Mondays (except public holidays)
from Monday to Friday except on public holidays
from Monday to Friday, except on public holidays
Tuesdays and Thursdays (except on public holidays)
weekdays (except holidays)